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Roadtrip to Calgary for Major Client Project

In our last semester at NAIT, one of our final projects is our Major Client Project where we are teamed up to work for an organization to provide them with photographs for their use.

These past few months 3 other classmates and myself have been working with the Alberta Craft Council - an organization that works with artists all over Alberta and helps develop, exhibit and promote various artists' work!

This weekend we went on a mini roadtrip to Red Deer, Dickson, and Calgary to photograph 8 artists; from pottery, to woodwork, we saw and photographed it all! It was a really neat experience to see what kind of art even exists, and the hardwork and process that each craft involves!! This image displays Anna Rasmussen, owner of Gammel House Pottery. These images show just a few of the stages it takes to create pottery! Her work is absolutely beautiful and you can check out more on her website HERE!

​To see other images of artists from this past weekend, click HERE!

Copyright Lauren Voisin Photography 2020

Edmonton Wedding & Pet Portrait Photographers  •

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